Table of contents

The Rambling Journals of a Not-So-Man

Wires run next to flesh with nothing to stop their electrifying conversation.

Ive heard it a million times and have learned to ignore their stinging

comments. The only thing that bothers me now is the lack of brain in my mind.

Logic chips replace emotion, replace heart. But not really, I still have one. Just

not in my head. It doesnt feel like me when I think, so I prefer not to. It

doesnt take thought to enjoy a pretty view. To watch the stars rotate in and

out of my limited scope. It used to take thought, it used to take time to think

through a line of logic. To find a solution. The end-all answer comes at a

break-neck speed before I can even finish asking myself the question. Any fun

in self-reflection or inquisitive thought is stripped away. I guess thats why I

started this. Just to pretend that I dont already know the end before I write the

beginning. Its fun to imagine the unknown, if you can ignore the blaring

thought telling you it is unknown because it is nothing.



Moths are cool.




Link to my playlist :D